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▶️ How to View User Details
▶️ How to View User Details

How to view your app users and the details of their accounts

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Accessing your User Table

From the Team Dashboard, click on the Quick Link for Users.

Here you will see the number of Total Users in your system including a count for New Users from the last 7 days, the Users from today, the number of App Installs, and the percentage of your users who have downloaded the app so far.

Beneath that information you will see a complete list view of all users signed up for your system.

You will see your users listed in their respective row with their Name, Email address, and their Sign Up Date. To the left, you will see if they have Onboarded – that they have logged in online to access the Web version after creating their account – and also whether they have Downloaded the App.

If they have downloaded the app, the icon in that column will be green. If not, the icon will show as red.

Viewing Additional Details about a User Account

For each user, there is an eyeball icon at the far right of their respective row, plus a trash can icon on their respective row.

Click on the Eyeball Icon or view option to see specific details for each user. For instance, here is additional information than on the User Table for one user, Joel Kellman, including his Phone number, Account Type (Basic), his Username (Joel), and whether he has Admin status. The green checkmark indicates that he does; if he did not, you would see a red circle with an X inside. Admin access means that you have granted your team members, the ones in your inner circle, access to view the admin side of the app with the user table and other details. The standard user would have the red X under Admin.

From this screen, you can view a user's training status or you can edit the details of a user's account.

Viewing Training Status for a User

When you click on the Training button (#1), you can view all of the completed Training modules. In this case, Joel has completed all of the lessons from Welcome to Business Glu, Push Notifications, and Success Stories.

Note that there is more information to see when you click on the right arrow at the bottom of the screen. We see that Joel has also completed three lessons in the Innovative Training section, but still has one more lesson (Features & Assets) to complete. He also has not completed the bonus lesson, Gotcha. By clicking on the Training button, you can monitor each of your users and the successful completion of the lessons in your training modules.

Under the user's name, you'll see a search option: Search Users Training. Type in the name of a category or lesson for quick access to it.

By clicking on the Training button (#1), you can monitor each of your users and the successful completion of the lessons in your training modules.

To go back to the list of users, click on Cancel. To view the first screen of Joel's training, click on the left arrow.

Editing a User's Account Status

You can also click on the Edit button (#2) to make changes to the User's Admin status, Account Type, and Username. Be careful with the Admin button. When users have this level of access, they can make changes to the user table and even inadvertently delete a user. Should you wish to upgrade Joel's account type, click on the arrow under Account Type to make the switch from Basic to Complete. Make changes to the Username or correct a typo.

Click on Cancel to keep the details as they are; click on Update to retain any changes you made to Joel's account information.

Deleting a User's Account

Click on the Trash Can icon to permanently delete the user. Be careful with this button, because once the user has been deleted, the information is irretrievable.

In these ways, you can keep tabs on a user's training progress and edit information about the user's account – all from your Users Table. Questions? Contact our Support Team for more information by emailing a message to [email protected].

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